Monday, 16 May 2011

Rain Rain, go away!

It's Monday, AND it's raining, again! I'm crabby and whiny and really not in the mood for anything this day is throwing at me.
Already today I have had to give two time-outs, clean up a drink spill, deal with two kids that want absolutely NOTHING to do with listening to anything I have to say, and get a kid to school early for a field the rain.
On top of it all, I have a backache that is SCREAMING at me! sigh, yup, it's Monday.

The up side??? Hmmm, gotta think about that for a bit. Well, it's closer to June??? I don't know. Still haven't heard a thing from our social worker and our refrences have not yet reported any paperwork that came their way yet. Hopefully soon. It's tha waiting that is killing me. I know the process can take a long time, sometimes years but once we made the decision, we really wanted it to happen fast.

Definitely feeling a ho-hum day ahead. Really hoping that I wake up tomorrow feeling much more myself and Less CRABBY!

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