Tuesday 17 May 2011

Mother nature's wheel of wonder!!!!

Sigh, no surprise here, it's going to be another rainy day. I'm totally on board with the  whole :feeding the flowers and getting the grass green" thing, but, running a daycare with very active preschoolers can be a little exhausting without some outdoor play time. Yesterday was a perticularly challenging day with several "REALLY? That's what you decided was best to do?" moments. sigh. I'm going to look at it as all preparation for our little one coming. Kameron, our youngest, will be seven in October. There are still the occasional "what were you thinking" times but for the most part, he's pretty good about thinking things through and will even reason with you to get his point accross!
When I first started doiing daycare it was a fluke thing. A friend had decided to close the doors on HER daycare and asked, since I was HOME doing nothing but raising two kids, if I would take some of her part-timers. I thought about it and decided that it couldn't hurt, and after all, these two were older girls that hardly needed care at all! It was fine at first. The girls were great, came in after school, did their homework, had a snack, got picked up, day done. Then the early mornings started. 5:45 to be exact. It was only a couple times a week but MAN that is EARLY when you've just been up with a baby.
After that we moved to a bigger place because within a year of Alex's first birthday we had Jared. At the new place, Pat and I talked about it and I listed ads to try to get a few more kids to look after on a more full-time basis. I managed to get responses fairly quickly which surprised me. Having never needed daycare I had no idea that it was so difficult to FIND daycare, especially good daycare at a good rate. Well, let's jsut say snowball effect!
8 years later I feel like the old woman in a shoe. I've had good kids and, well, not so good kids. I've had more than my share of difficult parents. I've had two incidents of me and parent not meshing and that relationship went south fast. I've had people take serious advantage of me, I've had amazing appreciation. I have some kids, even right now, that I don't kow how I am going to let go of at all when the time comes! lol.
I have a couple that have been with me long enough to be now looking after the siblings. It's wonderful when you can get that kind of relationship with families.
See, it's not all bad, I complain but there are many kids and many parents that really are a part of my life forever.
I am looking forward to the time when I can just have ME time. I want to finish one of my books! I want to send it out to be published, rejection or acceptance. I just want to try! Sure, my little heart will be completely broken if I get a rejection letter but  least I will have finished ONE of them instead of having four books on the go with none of them past the 12th chapter. lol sigh.
I am hoping that the move will be life changing. I know that's a tad dramatic but it's how I feel. I want to be able to get up in the morning, make sure the boys get off to school ok, get myslef a nice big cuppa coffee, and spend the day with my little girl. We'll see what happens. I am not ruling daycare out completely, I will still have one little one that will come play with us but she's more like family anyway so it's not a big deal. Plus, she will hopefully be close in age to our daughter so fingers crossed, they like each other and become good friends.
For now, I am looking out the window, at the very grey sky, knowing that at any minute it's going to be raining again. That wind has not let up either, I hear it whistling and screaming out there. What happend to April showers bring may flowers??? I think Mother Nature might be slightly menopausal because she seems to have gotten it backwards this year.

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