Well, today is a P.A. day. A mandatory day off from school to allow teachers and staff to get meetings done, work on reports and get workshops going. The kids are all home. All of them, Extra's here for daycare because, well, ADULTS don't have the day off so my house will be full today!
It is also my son's 13th Birthday! Happy Birthday Alex, I love you very much!. So officially, I now have TWO teenagers! Tow, Two teens. sigh. I'm old. very old. When did 37 get old? Oh, yeah, today.
Not a tonne of time for talk today so I'll just sign off and if I'm not back in a week you know it's because the P.A. day did me in! Wish me luck!
hahaha, I'm sure you survived yesterday... or at least I hope you did :)