This past Monday was Victoria day for those of you that are not Canadians. These holiday Monday's always mess me up! I'm totally off my schedule and feel like I need to go to bed early just to get sorted out lol. I'm supposed to go to Aerobics tonight but I think instead, I'm going to play hookey and curl up on the couch! Ug.
Daycare threw me off today too lol, The weather was not co-operating too well so no outside time butthey still seemed to enjoy themselves so all is good there. Just as well, my foot is flaring up today. I have Plantar Fascitis in my right foot. Painfull as all hell, let me tell you, and I've given birth to four kids! If I sit still for longer than five minutes it seizes up today and is crazy sore! Just ordered another pair of shoes that I can wear indoors all the time. We have hardwood and ceramic throughout my main floor and i was told several times that going barefoot all the time ( I'm never in socks or slippers) is just aggravating the problem. A couple months ago I got a pair of sandals that are supposed to correct and easy the problem and pain....they actually work, soooo, I've been waiting for them to go on sale (crazy expensive since I normally dont spend more than $20 on a pair of shoes for myself) and yesterday they DID go on sale! Wooo! Sooo, I ordered a pair for indoor wear. I will FORCE myself to wear them and hopefully that will start to make it a bit better.
Sigh, Still no adoption news to speak of. Our second son is turning 13 this friday, Gawd i feel old. BUT another week after that I will feel ancient because our oldest is turning 16! UGGG
This weekend, I am told, we are going to the drive-in to see Pirates of the Caribbean! Should be good, the other ones weer awesome and they boys loved them! I WILL be taking half a dozen other kids with us but should STILL be good. We've gotten to the point witht he kids that we've stated either a big gift...or...a big party. Not both. Four kids, big money. Ug again. Most of the time, they choose the big gift, electronics, games, bike, electric scooter (like this year with the 13 year old) Xbox live ect, you get the point. Well, this year, our soon to be teen wanted the scooter, then told me at the last minute that he invited not the normal 2 friends for a sleepover but five!! I was not thrilled but I can't ahve kids expecting to go to a party and be told at the last minute that they are not invited...Alex got a talking to and we crunched the budget! Thank God the drive-in only charges $2 for kids 12 and under. Only three of them are 13! lol, I can still get away with the cheap price for the other ones.
I don't want to be the mean mom but MAN, birthdays get more expensive every year. Gone are the days when we could impress them with a big toy form the bargain stores! They want the tiny, re-chargable things now. Ipod's, PSP's, Cell's etc. Triple ug.
Yup, NOT going to aerobics tonight.
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