Friday, 22 July 2011

Weekend plans

heading out to the trailer this weekend for some relaxation....not. I am bringing supplies to paint and make it our own. Already made new covers for all the cushions and made matching curtains that I will hang this weekend too. Got a nice creamy coffee colour to paint on the walls., some caulking to fill some holes to keep the earwigs out(ewwwww) and contemplating new vinyl flooring at some point too. we managed to move the Gazeebo onto the deck, not that it will do much to keep the bugs out, they can still just come up right from below the decking. But, it gives us a bit of privacy form the neighboring group whom were, dare i say, rude adn rowdy last time we were up there. One of their "guests" was down right raunchy and clearly intoxicated. we are thinking of moving the trailer out of there next summer and onto our own property when we move to it.The park itself is nice and all, but not exactly our scene. i'd love to move it to another park, maybe the one closer to us here but will have to see what the fees are.
Looking forward to some nice peaceful fun though. Need it desterately!

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