Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Crisis averted for now

Well, we managed to appease the insurance gods...for now. It's funny, I know several daycare providers taht work out of their home with NO extra insurance coverage for the daycare. We have had the extra insurance for many years and have never had to make a claim. We try to be honest and forthright.I want to make sure that we, and teh kids I care for are protected in the case of any emergency or accident. Again, we have never HAD to use the insurance OR make any claims but it is nice to know that if it is needed, we are protected. It's strange to shop for insurance companies when they refuse to cover you for a home business. When we found our current insurance provider, due to our other one deciding not to cover us for the daycare, they allowed us a certain number of children in the house and not any above that. So, we try to keep them happy and stya where we should. Why they decided to change policy now, in the middle of our term is beyond me. BUT, I am happy to say that we have reached an agreement with them, they threatned to cancel our policy if I decided to take on any more kids tahn I currentlu have which I'm not. The group I have is the group I will have for the rest of my daycare time for the year. The last day of June 2012 will be my last day of daycare. Kind of bittersweet to be honest.  I've been doing this for so long now that it's a little scary to be faced with doing NOTHING for a while. Our agreement is, I am taking a year off before making ANY decisions regarding work or income.  The bare minimum is 6 months and if I choose to take the full year I can do so. My thought is, once we are blessed with our little girl, I want to be there to care for her and bond with her and not pass her off right away to a childcare provider so I can go out and work at a job that I don't want to do just to make a few bucks. Our idea of moving is to comfortably live of Pat's salary and not rely on mine. Once I DO have an income again, it will be bonus and not necessity. I really want to have that time with her to solidify our relationship and make her feel comfortable and happy. It's very important to me to have that time with her and her with me. It will be good for all of us. I've had ONE official holiday in 11 years. In 2008 We took a week to go to Disney World with family. It was heavenly and I wish I could have done it every year but, not possible. Other than that one week, the only time off I have had is the times I did not have kids here, Christmas, occasional holiday weekends etc. Never a time in summer, never a full march break. Sure I had a day here or there but not a solid chunk except for that vacation. I am very much looking forward to having a nice, long break. I want to write, I want to sit in front of my computer or heck, maybe buy a new laptop (since my old one was laid to rest a few months ago, r.i.p. faithful little buddy) and be able to sit and just let the thoughts and words flow. It would be nice to not be rushed to finish a paragraph because a diaper is REALLY in need of a change or a fight needs to be broken up over a toy car.
I'd love to sit and have a little tea party with my daughter dresses, tiara's, lace gloves and all! I want to play with her hair and take her shopping. I want to sit and listen to her tell me everything she wished to share without interruption. I missed out on that with the boys. Kyle and I had alone time for three years and I remember how nice it was jut to sit and PLAY with your kid. Really play. Alex, Jared and Kameron didn't have the centered attention from me and I feel so sad over it. Jared and Kam were basicly raised with daycare kids in the house. kam doesn't even know any different since I'd been doing it for years before he was even born! I came home from the hospital and went right back to daycare the week after. He's had to share everything and all of us. Sometimes I feel so bad for the boys, always having to share me with half a dozen other kids. Taking come kids overnight and having them give up their rooms and beds to accommodate them. They have had minor complaints but have always understood that it was my job and we had to help out in any way we could. I am very much looking forward to, no that I don't care about any of the daycare kids, having my kids and my family all to myself and them having ME all to theirselves. I'm looking forward to saying "Nope, no plans this week, what do YOU want to do?"
We don't know how old our new doughter will be. we had put in between 1 and 4 but that's a broad age range so we'll see. I have to admit, even though I'm not sure I want to start over iwth a little baby, I would never pass up the chance to have one if the opportunity presented itself. I know that out there, the older kids are a bit harder to place and everyone wants babies so we deliberately put in the desire for a toddler or pre-schooler. obviously the younger she is, the better it will be for spending time with her before she is sent off to school. Sigh, we'll see what God sends us i guess. Trust, always a difficult thing for me. lol. I'm working on it.

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