Monday, 4 July 2011

Back to square one

Well, now after all that stress, complaints and house hunts, we have decided to take the house off the market and wait till February to re-list. This neighborhood relies completely on Military transfer and with that major season over, and no prospects to buy, we have no choice but to terminate our selling contract and wait the winter out. I will continue with daycare for ONE MORE YEAR. That's it, one more and I'm done.  It was a tough decision. We wanted to go, really we did but in the end, our agent's lack of information, lack of understanding, and total lack of respect had caused us to douobt his abilities to do a good job for us. I had to contact selling agents to get appointments for viewing, I had to do research onlistings, I had to scold (a grown man) him for not having a sign up for over a week! Now that it's up I do wonder how long it will take before it's down again lol. He became rude and hurried. I felt like we were pushed through viewings because he had no intention of offering on any of them. He is an agent that does not believe in Conditional Offers and chooses not to make them. His outlook was "lets get your place sold then we can focus on finding you a place to live" Although I could see some of his views, as a mom, I cannot just play the chance card with my kids lives and our future. It got to the point where we were looking at houses and trying to see what we could make do with rather than love. The one house we were really excited about turned out to be a dump. Wow, picture really IS worth a thousand words! His response to that was, wait and see of your place sells and then if this one is still available we can come in with a major lowball offer and then you can just get a bigger mortgage for repairs. REPAIRS??? The house needed a good 70 grand worth of work! New roof, windows, all new flooring, basement needed to be gutted and re-done, wiring, plumbing and who knows what else would be lurking.
All the houses he was telling us about were over 25 thousand above our limit! WTF? He knew our budget and refused to stay within those numbers. It ticked me off that he didn't listen at all!
Anyway, on to better things.
Today is my nieces 4th birthday! Also the first day of summer aerobics, we are choosing the party over the exercise though haha. Daycare is back in full swing. I have 7 kids today. A far better number than before but still a lot. Looks like this is the norm fo r the summer though.
Kameron has an ear infection. Pretty bad. 10 days of meds. At least he likes them.
10 days to harry Potter midnight showing at the drive in! Woooo

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