Tuesday, 12 July 2011

daycare frustration

Ok, how many years have I been doing this???/ Really?? I just got a phone call from our insurance company complaining that I have too many kids in my house now that my own are home from school! I am well below the Ontario regulations for the number I amm permitted, even though I am NOT registered and don't HAVE to follow any policies at all if I didn't want to. I try to keep within the standard and granted, the last few months were tough with the extra's that I had but I am now back to normal and will stay that way until I quit next spring. Now, after all this time, they decide to have a problem with the number of kids I have saying that with my own boys, there are too many in the bloody house. Grrrrr, sure, just add one more thing to my stress levels and see what happens. It's hared enough as it is to go day to day without having to deal with the "issues" the insurance comapny has with greaters numbers in the summer because school is out!!!!
On the up side, I got an e-mail telling me that our homestudy wil be beginning shortly and we are going to receive an invitation to the pride fall program! Things are finally moving somewhere. At least that is better. It seems we take one step forward and 16 big steps back. you make decisions that you think will better your family and look what it gets you. misery and stress and complications. I decided to stick with teh daycare, as hard as it is, for one more year so that we will be in a better selling/buying position in the spring and now it looks like Imight have to shop for a new insurance provider because of it. Where were they the last six summers when I had full time kids all summer long and still had my kids at home??? Why was it not an issue then but is now??? it doesn't make any sense and is so frustratine that it's coming about now. Life is not easy, that's a given but really? does it have to be THIS "not easy"?

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