Well, we survived our camping weekend at the trailer. It was nice, HOT but nice. the sleeping was something else though. I kept thinking how tight it was for the six of us to sleep in there and then thought about adding ANOTHER person to the trailer! man, a family of seven will be TIGHT in that trailer. 31 feet or not, it's still tight! We have decided to take out a bankette at the back and put in a folding futon. It will be so much easier than trying to repair the bench that is there. I mean come on, I know the trailer is old (79) but REALLY? I had s much work to do there this weekend. First, caulking lots of cracks and holes. Then I painted and decdoreated teh whole thing. I mad etht cushion covers a few weeks ago but finally got some of the curtains up this weekend. I still have a few to do but have to get some curtain hangers still. I have to replace a tonne of screening, re-do the floors becuase....EWWWWW!. The vinyl is not terrible, just really dated. but the carpet!!!! Wow, I spilled stuff on it and had to wipe it up, the rag I was using came out BLACK!!! It was terrible!
The double bed at the back that Pat and I use is way too small. We complain about our Queen bed here at home and a double, with the two of us, and we are not tiny people, plus three dogs was not comfortable sleeping for two nights.
We managed to make the deck a litte more useable. Not perfect but it did the job for now. WE are contemplating a move from that park next year. We'd do it now except for the fact taht we paid for the whole season adn I am not throwing away 2 grand just because I was uncomfortable. I can stick it out for the rest of the season. It just doesnt feel like home yet. I know we've only gone a few times but all three times it was awkward and frustrating. Our site is a nice big one but we are right nerxt to a transient site where every time we go we have a new camper beside us. They are usually a bit more rowdy due to the fact taht they are just there for a few days to have a good time and then moving on. I;m all for a good time but sometimes there has to be a little respect for the permanent trailers there that go for some peace and quiet and not to party all the time.
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