Monday, 22 August 2011

Oh my! progress at last!

Here we go! omgOmgomgomg.
Exactly one week from today we start our official adoption! We have been told that our first interview with our social worker, in the home, will be on August 29th at 1:00 p.m.! Soooo excited! This is what we've been waiting for since march! Wehave our classes scheduled starting in Spetmeber but this interview, the one that officially decided our fate, is now a go! I am not worried about her determinng that we are not good candidates at all. I know we are. I AM worried about the daycare kids. Sicne the interview is during the day (no other choice) I will be while the kids are still here. In fact, most of our interviews adn meetings will be during business hours here in my home.
I'm worried not because of what she'll see, I know I run a good daycare and the kids are well taken care of, I am, however, worries about the behaviour of a few of the kids. Some of the kids are VERY needy in the attention department and have a tendancy to act out in the presence of a stranger or unknown visitor.
I've had visits from friends or family during daycare hours before and there have been many incidents of certain children acting up at that time. Some just want the focus to be all on them so they have incessant questions and yell and do anything they can to get said person to pay attention to them. I don't understand it but also have a hard time trying to get them to stop. Others just react in a way taht is really difficult, they get wound up and yell and scream and run around. I REALLY need to have control adn was not sure if I should have asked for the day off or not. I decided to inform my clients of the interview and it's improtance adn let them make the decicion (although I hinted) to keep the kids at home or at least do an early pick-up. We'll see how the reaction will be and whom I still have on the 29th. All my clients are aware of our desire to adopt and how important all the meetings, courses and process is to us. Hopefully I will have some understanding clients and have little to no kids that afternoon. I don't want to be mean but It would be so much easier not having anyone here. i don't take days off, pretty much at ALL! I don't take sick days or vacation. I have worked through the entire summer with no (well, little) complaint lol. I don't ask for extra time off at chirstmas or marck break, in fact, I dont get spring break. I make myself available in case I am needed. These meetings are imprtant and even though I don't want to be mean and tell them to pick up the kids early or not come at all( i knowit's not possible for everyone) I'd love for them to be understanding and try to work it out for that day. We'll see.
I'm just happy to have something happening at this point! It's been a long 6 month wait and it's encouraging that the process is moving along finally!

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