Sunday, 7 August 2011

New niece!

I am so happy to say that we found out last night our new niece was born! her name is Charlotte but will be called Charlie. Sooo cute. I'm a thrilled new auntie.
It makes me a little anxious. Not in a bad way. I went out to buy my supplies for the cross stitch picture I will do foe her and had to go buy some new outfits for the other two "big sisters". I managed to get some amazing  Oshkosh deals! Dresses for $2.99! Seriously! I got three each in Pikn, Turquoise and Melon orange. AND also got a pair of capri's and a t-shirt for each of them. The bill was just over $31 bucks for the whole thing! Not a joke, 10 items for 31 bucks. I was soooo thrilled! gotta love Oshkosh deals. The anxious part was that I COULD have spent a hundred easy and got a tonne of things for my future daughter...if I knew how old she'd be and IF I knew how big she was and IF I knew what would look best on her. sigh.  There was soo much on sale and it's so rare that I get to buy the cute little dresses and outfits. They had amazing jackets and jeans for fall. Not much yet but the fall stuff is slowly coming out. Can't wait for the big stuff to come, kam loves the lined rugby pants and this time around i will try to get a few pairs in a couple sizes so that he has some for now and spring.
In a way, I wish I worked there so I could get the discount. Maybe next year I will look into trying to get on part time or something. I'd spend a tonne there. Well, I already do but it would be nice to get it at a bargain. lol
It's so exciting that Charlotte is here. When I am done, I will post a picture of the cross stitch on here. I am doing "Charlotte's web" it'll be cute.

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