Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Well, didn't happen

So, the interview didn't happen Monday as planned. The social worker's secretary called five minutes before the scheduled appointment to tell us that she was ill and couldn't make it but would re-schedule as soon as she felt up to it. Sigh
How can you be mad when the woman is sick?? You can't really so why the hell am I mad??? Another bump on the road. It's ok, I can handle this no problem. Keeping my emotions in check becuse this is a long haul coming!
Other news, we decided to sell our trailer. sigh. We only got to use it three times the whole season. We pay WAYYY too much for the season to only use it that little. We thought we had a sale last night but it fell through. The guy said he didnt see enough kids around to entertain his own two buddy, it's a weekday in SEPTEMBER! hello?? The kids are in school!!!! Get a life and find a better excuse!ANNNNYWAY.

I'm feeling a bit, shal we say bitchy today. I'm hormonal, cranky, tired, frustrated and feeling very unappreciated at the moment. you know those times, when all you want is for someone to say, Hey, I understand you and sympathize!.? Yeah, I need that right now. Some understanding and sympathy. Not to air dirty laundry or anything but I feel, lately, my family, well certain members, seem to be a bit selfish in thier thinking and want all the attention focused ontehm. When it's time to spread some of that attention adn caring around, where do I get shoved?? Right, on the back burner again. All I hear about is, "Mom Iwant, or need or can I or do you know where? or My university courses are...or my job is... Or well, you get the drift. There si no, how was your day? or do you need a break? Or heaven forbid, Can I do anything to help????? Yeah right, I laugh at that one. Grrr

yup, feeling bitchy today for sure.  It doesnt help that nothing is going my way at all. talk abotu selfish right? All I want is for everyone to focus on me and my wants and stuff. hmmm. Nice, pot calling kettle right?

sigh. Just need a really good weekend of me time. I need my pedicure buddy back so we can go and relax for an hour very soon. KAREN come home! I miss you!

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