Well, we have received confirmation that our refrences have gotten their paperwork in the mail so this is progress. Now, all they have to do is fill them out and send them back and we have to wait another month or two to hear anything else lol. I am hoping that everyone is honest but kind. I know that the papers will be asking numerous question regarding our character, emotions, responsibility, personalities and overall worthiness of adoption. I myself am very emotional and moody sometimes. I get stressed, I get mad, I get frustrated, just like everyone else but am hoping that it is looked at in a positive light, you know, like I'm passionate or something. Same goes for Pat. I hope that everyone paints a decent picture. i don't want people to lie at all but I want them to obviously help and not hinder haha.
We all have our positive and negative attributes but I hope that CAS sees that the positives much outweight the negatives. We don't drink excessively. I mean I have a glass of wine once in a blue moon and Pat has beers on occasion. That's it. neither of us smoke or use any kind of "substance" at all! We don't party, although i'd like to every now and then. We have good kids. They've never been in trouble and get good grades. they all have good friends. We make good money and are well enough off to have plenty of comforts in life. We are by no means SWIMMING in it but we do well. We have great friends, lots of family support and a positive future.
Our relationship as a married couple has it's up's and downs like everyone else but we've been together for 17 years now and still going strong. That's not saying that i don't tick him off or vice versa lol. It happens often but we love each other and I truely believe that this will only makeus closer and stronger as a family.
I have absolutely no idea why I'm so nervous about all this but knowing that people are judging us and answering questions about us as persons is a bit unnerving. I'm worried a bit about Past things. Like Pat's first marriage messing things up. I hope it will not be an issue. It did not end well and there were some underlying problems that came out of it. My fingers, and toes, and everything else that can cross are CROSSED that all this will go over easy and smoothly.
I don't want to be negative but all I can think about is that ANYONE can be a parent, on purpose, accidental, through one nighters or overindulgence of alocholor drugs, or by no fault of their own, meaning by force, but, people who have good lives, good families, and want to expand those families or are unable to create their own have to go through a mile of red tape and a bucket load of stress and anxiety to qualify to adopt an unwanted or neglected child.
Just me venting. No harm meant. I'm just frustrated.
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