Tuesday, 13 March 2012

finally arrived

I haven't had a chance to get on here in a bit. It's been pretty hectic but I just had to post so that this week was documented. On Sunday, March 11th, we were blessed with our little girl Chloe. We are not allowed to post personal details about her until the adoption is finalized but I will say that she is a joy. It breaks me heart wheat she's gone through in her short three year old life. But, I can hope that we will make it better for her. She is already loved beyond words and all six of us are very attached to her.
Chloe is a beautiful little blond blue-eyed angel with personality and heart and ambition. Funny to say about a three year old but it's true. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to ask for it and show her desires. She did without quite a bit and I think that her strong will allowed her to vocalize and visualize things she wanted to have and do. She is a tough cookie as well and so smart!
Short post today, I know but just a recording for time. I will go into more later.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Praying for Chloe as she gets to know her family and for all of you too.
