Tuesday, 18 October 2011

New issues, not quite sure how to deal with them

Well, we've made it to week five. This week we will learn about family integration.
I have to admit, I'm not enjoying hte classes like I'd hoped I would. They are long and full of statistical information that I'm sure will not help us out at all in the long run. I know they are mandatory but I would think that maybe, due to the fact that we have four kids already and I run a business centered on raising children in many different forms and backgrounds. that we could get some class credit lol.

On another note. I've been feling, well, different lately. Not different in the way that I don't want to do this anymore. Just different and I wish I could elaborate on that more but for the time being, until I can confirm it, I have to leave it at that. Not much to go on, I know but I am hopeful that this is a good thing. Either way, I will be happy with whatever happens with our future. I am looking forward to holidays and regular everyday life as a family of 7 instead of six, sigh, One day.